Hope Academy Graduates
Hope Academy has had 100 graduates. Over 95% have
entered the following colleges or universities

Abilene Christian University
American University of Central Asia
Biola University
Bowdoin College
Briercrest College and Seminary
Calvin College
Carleton College
City College of New York
Ecola Bible College
Gordon College
Handong Global University
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Hanyang University
Illinois College
John Brown University
Judson University
Korean National University
Kyrgyz National Conservatory
Kyrgyz National University
Kyung Hee University
Lehigh University
Oklahoma Wesleyan University
Pennsylvania State University
Point Loma Nazarene
Providence University College
Seattle Pacific University
Seoul National University
Sheridan College
Southwestern Assemblies of God University
Southwestern Theological Seminary
Sungkyunkwan University
Tel Aviv University
Trinity Western University
University of Auckland
University of Maryland College Park
University of Michigan – Ann Arbor
University of Otago
University of Pennsylvania
University of Southern California
University of Virginia
University of Waterloo
William Carey University
Yonsei University

Hope Academy gives students opportunities to grow in so many areas like leadership, responsibility, hard work, decision making, worship and teaching, performing and speaking. We are given freedom to start doing, not just learning, and we learn these very useful practical skills in doing. Hope has definitely pushed me to be proficient in many areas of life, and has given me opportunities to do many activities that I would otherwise have to choose from.
Class of 2022
Having studied in two international schools throughout my life, Hope was my most favorite school. Despite being smaller than my previous one, it resulted in where relationships could be built easily, and this led to me having more meaningful years. Hope is surrounded in its values, allowing you to easily grow in a faith-based community. I personally loved studying here, being proud and happy for a lot of various things, and getting really good quality teaching with our amazing teachers.
Class of 2022

On top of a loving community filled with exuberant students and caring teachers and staff members, all the things I can learn from basketball to art history, calculus to music theory and all the things I can be from esteemed delegates to delicate waltzers, beginner programmers to competitive soccer players make Hope Academy of Bishkek my favorite school from the twelve years of my school life. Hope is a home I love, full of heartfelt friendships and fond memories.