Learning support
Hope Academy affirms and values the diversity brought by students with special behavioral, emotional, and physical needs. However, it recognizes that its staff does not have the capacity to help all students, and students with certain needs may need to seek help elsewhere. Admission of students with special needs is on a case-by-case basis, at the discretion of the Director, based on the ability of suitable staff and resources to meet the needs and maintain a quality education for the rest of the school.

Hope Academy sees the education of all students as a partnership in which parents of the students play a key role, and it relies on this partnership, especially in cases of students whose progress may be hindered beyond the norm by linguistic, physical, behavioral, or mental limitations. Hope Academy currently has a Special Education Coordinator to provide support for teachers, students, and families.
Teachers, the Principal, the Director, and parents should collaborate to make reasonable accommodations for students whose education is limited by limited English proficiency or diagnosed special needs, such as…
- Learning Support: When possible, Hope Academy will allow adjustments in student/teacher ratio or provide individualized help.
- Curricular Adjustments: Teachers may give modified assignments or deadlines that do not detract from curricular goals.
- Methodology Adjustments: Teachers may adjust teaching methodology, assignments, and activities to facilitate the achievement of the course objectives.
- Exam Adjustments: Teachers may give increased exam time, oral instead of written exams, or special testing situations.
- Individualized Education Plan (IEP): In rare situations, parents, teachers, administrators, and specialists may work together to design an alternative way for the student to meet their specific educational goals.